Jon Barron, author of Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, presented the essence of the late Dr. Edward Howell's message: "A person's life span is directly related to the exhaustion of their enzyme potential. The use of food enzymes decreases that rate of exhaustion, and thus results in a longer, healthier, and more vital life."
That's a clear and important concept. But it's not widely appreciated. Enzymes are energized, active protein compounds that are involved with every aspect of digestion and all cellular metabolism throughout our bodies. Without enzymes, food, minerals, and vitamins are useless.
In fact, every activity in our body from creating cellular energy to building bone and muscle to hormonal production and distribution, and even thinking are governed by enzymes.
How enzyme potential is exhausted
There are three basic types of enzymes: Metabolic, digestive, and food. Metabolic enzymes patrol the blood stream to perform all the processes of cellular metabolism needed for life. Some come in with raw food, while most are created in the pancreas.Organic raw foods contain the enzymes necessary for their digestion. The more raw foods eaten, the less one overworks the pancreas, which produces enzymes that are injected into the small intestines to extract food nutrients.
Before that, chewing releases enzymes in our saliva that begin the digestive process. If our food is not cooked and its enzymes are intact, this process of pre-digestion accounts for more than half of breaking down consumed food into absorbable nutrients.
That process is interrupted when the acid digestive juices of our stomach are initiated, usually in around an hour, but picked up again in the small intestines where the pancreas comes into action.
The pancreas gets overworked if not enough enzymes come in with our food. Many enzymes are eliminated from cooking and processing foods. Not chewing food well minimizes saliva enzymatic production.
This forces the body to depend more on pancreatic proteolytic enzymes for digestion. The pancreas' proteolytic enzymes are needed to break down waste products and inflammatory scar tissue from immune system activities in our bloodstream.
This increases the burden on the pancreas and depletes or inflames the pancreas, resulting in lower protease or proteolytic enzymes, triggering a cascade of disease and aging symptoms. This is what is meant by exhausting our enzyme potential.
How to recover maximum enzyme potential
Chew food more than usual. Increase your consumption of raw, unprocessed foods. Try to enjoy your meals without stressing.Even if you eat organically produced meats, the complete proteins of cooked meat are harder to break down, forcing the pancreas to work harder producing proteolytic enzymes.
Supplement enzymes with each meal. Enzyme supplements should contain papain for breaking down complete proteins, amylase for starches and carbohydrates, lipase for fats, lactase for dairy, and cellulose for fibers.
But there are enzyme supplements that should be taken away from meals to go directly into the bloodstream and eat up normally resistive waste products, scar tissue, and even cancer cells. Bromelain and serrapeptase are two such easily purchased proteolytic enzymes.
Texas dentist William Donald Kelley cured his terminal pancreatic cancer with powerful, hybrid pancreatic juice protease, and then he proceeded to cure several other cancer patients before running into problems with the Medical Mafia.
Now MD Nicholas Gonzalez in NYC courageously continues refining Dr. Kelley's pancreatic juice breakthrough. Karen DeFelice, author of three books on enzyme therapy, helped her autistic son with enzymes. She offers a pdf report (below) on treating neurological issues with enzymes.
Sources for this article include:
Karen DeFelice pdf Report
Most Recommended Enzyme Products:
Natural Factors, Multi Enzyme High Potency, Vegetarian Formula, 120 Capsules
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